Monday, August 30, 2010


I think. Every have periods in your life where your weird feeling and can't quite put your finger on why? I seem to be having more and more of those. They last a day or so and then I'm back to normal. The pattern seems hormonal. And each time that I think that I have the pattern and effects figured out, my body seems to change things up on me. The wonders of getting older, right? (yes, 40 is older apparently)

Last weekend was the last camput that Pete and I go to with the Dry Riders. It is one of my favorite locations. And I say that knowing that I also think that the bathrooms suck. Pete and I went down early and spent a night there with just us. It was so peacefull and relaxing and I needed that after the weird days before.

When the rest of the gang arrived we were there to see them and talk, laugh and have fun. I really miss seeing some of these people all winter. It's strange how I spend all summer seeing them and then winter rolls around and we see them very rarely. I wish we had a house because I'd have a winter open house for them all to drop by and say hi.

I really miss being on the motorcycle over the winter too. I wonder how I could bottle up the feeling of the winter, the smells of the sweet grasses, the sun on my head and shoulders, the hum of the motor and even the vibration of the bike. If I could I think I'd be a millionaire because there has to be more poeple like me.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


I had this whole post about lemons and craving them.

Really it was just to avoid that I'm having a difficult time right now. Sort of floundering and trying to get my feet on solid ground. Sometimes I'd love to post about it, but I'm afraid that people in my life will find it and it wouldn't be good.

So Im here. Hanging in.

Monday, August 23, 2010

He did it and I did it.

Pete did his IronButt Run in about 40 hours. 2098 miles all together. He was tired. He was worn out. So was I, from owrrying about him.

In my effort to keep my mind off of him, I shopped, went to a party, shopped, went to teh gym, shopped, cleaned and shopped.

I LOVED getting back to the gym and walking. I've done okay with my weight the last couple of months. Working out with the trainer in June/July definately gave me strength I didn't have before and definition. But I was lax in the cardio department. Now that we're home more I wanted to get back into the rythum of the gym before work. So Sunday I got up and argued internally about staying in bed or going. Much like the last week. Then I got on the scale. I'm up about 3 pounds since we left for vacation the end of July. That did it. I went and got on that treadmill for 50 minutes. All was well and I felt so good.

Then I went home and put grocerys away, cleaned and cooked. Somewhere along the line I angered my siatica. *sigh* I'm so frustrated. I want to and need to get back at this whole weight loss again.

Friday, August 20, 2010

The weekend

So keep Pete in your thoughts, because he's crazy.

No really.

He's leaving tomorrow morning at the crack of dawn or before dawn cracks. Either way he is headed to Fort Worth, TX. In one day. As in about 13-14 hours of riding on the motorcycle. Then he'll rest up in the comfy hotel that I found for him for the night (probably more like 6 hours). Whereby he'll get up and ride back to MN on Sunday.

Yes, you read it right. He's completing an IronButt Run. 2000 miles in 48 hours. Crazy. And doing it alone. Even more crazier. Luckily we've thought of ways for me to keep my sanity while he is gone. Like the new Facebook Places function so he can let me know just where he is at when he stops for gas , without actually having to take time to call me. Like my Dad's birthday surprose dinner on Saturday night to occupy my time. Like the various other things that I scheduled for myself: gym, shopping, groceries, baking, cooking, cleaning...

So if I look a little less hair filled on Monday or a little tired or mental, it's because my husband is crazy.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


There I am. Sitting in the passenger seat of my husband's Harley in Yellowstone National Park in early August.

It's been both a long summer and a short summer. I feel like we squeezed so much in and yet could have done so much more. We just got back from the annual trip last week. Next weekend is the last real campout with the motorcycle club. And we're tentatively planning a trip to Georgia/North Carolina in September.

I say tentatively because Pete is once again laid off. They actually called him the last day of our vacation to tell him. He had a really good attitude, but is losing that quickly. And really, who can blame him? he's had some calls about jobs and enquired about other jobs. We're both hopeful that he will find something quick.

As for the gym, well...honestly it's been in the back of my mind. I think I've gained 2-3 pounds in the last couple of months. It's not bad considering the lack of work outs. I have gained muscle working with the trainer at the gym. But clearly I have not bee in healthy eating/workout mde the last couple of months. I need to get back to it now that we will be mostly home again.

Monday, August 16, 2010

I'm still here

Horrible about posting in the summer, but still here. I have list to share and need to get back on track with healthy eating/working out. I'll be back soon, promise.