Monday, August 23, 2010

He did it and I did it.

Pete did his IronButt Run in about 40 hours. 2098 miles all together. He was tired. He was worn out. So was I, from owrrying about him.

In my effort to keep my mind off of him, I shopped, went to a party, shopped, went to teh gym, shopped, cleaned and shopped.

I LOVED getting back to the gym and walking. I've done okay with my weight the last couple of months. Working out with the trainer in June/July definately gave me strength I didn't have before and definition. But I was lax in the cardio department. Now that we're home more I wanted to get back into the rythum of the gym before work. So Sunday I got up and argued internally about staying in bed or going. Much like the last week. Then I got on the scale. I'm up about 3 pounds since we left for vacation the end of July. That did it. I went and got on that treadmill for 50 minutes. All was well and I felt so good.

Then I went home and put grocerys away, cleaned and cooked. Somewhere along the line I angered my siatica. *sigh* I'm so frustrated. I want to and need to get back at this whole weight loss again.

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