Friday, January 28, 2011

240 and feeling like I'm failing.

240 this morning.  I lost that 236 feeling again.  (I sound like Maverick & Goose from Top Gun.)

Between the sinus infection from hell and the 3 days migraine, working out this week was impossible.  The sinus infection is mostly gone and I'm on a new med to hopefully prevent additional ones.  The migraine is mostly gone, but I had to drink 1 and a half 20 ounce bottles of soda (yuck!) with the medication per the doctor's orders. 

Ah, so there are my excuses.  And there you go.  I feel like I'm failing.  I'm not losing, I'm gaining.  In my logical head I know that it will turn around once I get a good week of working out in and rid my body of the soda.  My non logical/emotional brain keeps yelling "YOU'RE FAILING!!!!!!".  Quite a little war in there, huh?

Goal Check:
Remember these?  I'm not doing so great. 
1.  Lose 15 pounds by 3/22.  I can still do this.  I just need to recommit.
2.  Work out 16 days in January.  Not gonna happen.  I spent a week in bed with a sinus infection and the last 4 days laying around with a migraine.
3.  Eating.  I suck at tracking.  I suck at the goal of journaling too.

So what am I going to do?  I'm going to take my own advice.  Small goals.  Small.

I told Pete this morning that my goal for next week is 5 days working out.  I already have to be at the gym Monday morning because I have a fitness test with my trainer.  I can do cardio afterwards.  I have to be at the gym Tuesday morning for our last workout together.  And I have to be at the gym Friday morning for kettlebells.  So that's 3/5.  All I have to do is add in 2 additional days.  That's my small goal.  I'm going to focus on that and only that for the next week and see how that goes.  If I accomplish it, I can then start a new small goal.


  1. I get frustrated just like you. Don't worry you can do anything you set your mind to! I found that small goals are better because each time you feel like your accomplishing something and you get that high!

    Also just remind yourself in the end all those small goals will add up and you will achieve your big goal!!

    Just remember you can do it :-) It's the same pep talk I probably give myself every week. Losing weight is so HARD!! But worth it!
    :) Good luck and feel better!

  2. Hi Michelle! Consider me a new follower! I was at the Prior Fat Girl get together too and I am sorry we didn't get a chance to meet.

    I constantly set goals that are too lofty and then need to downsize. I am already thinking "small" for February goals too!

    I look forward to reading all your blogs and hopefully we can chat a little bit at the next get together!
