Monday, December 19, 2011

Holiday Baking

It's no secret, I love to bake.  Actually I love to cook, bake, grill...  I love food and all that goes into it.  So Saturday morning I was up at 5am and made about 8 different kinds of cookies & candy for Christmas. 

WOAH you're saying.  Why do that when you're trying to lose weight? 

What to know my secret?  When I spend all day baking like that or even half a day or several hours - I can't eat what I bake.  The overwhelming amount of sugar and sweetness really turns me off.  Similarly when I spend a lot of time cooking a whole meal, I get the same way, although not as badly.

So Saturday I had about 3 cookies and that was it.  Sunday on the other hand I could have eaten everything.  But I had one of several kinds over the day and then packaged them up into trays for the various places we have Christmas.

Want to know my other secret?  I give all the cookies away!  I keep about 3 of each kind for Pete and I to share from Christmas t New Years and the rest go to other houses to be enjoyed. 

So you can bake and cook while trying to lose weight.  You just have to have strategies for making sure that you don't overindulge.

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