Thursday, May 05, 2011


You know how some couples have a second marriage ceremony or a commitment ceremony after a while of being together?  Well I'm recommitting to myself.  I've had some health issues this winter that made me start and stop my working out.  I've had some health and busyness issues that prevented me from planning out good meals and snacks for myself.

Today I am shouting from the rooftops; "NO MORE!!!!"

I'm recommitting to myself to start working out on a regular basis.  I'm recommitting to myself to eating better and planning out my week so that nothing is left to chance and I take the easy way out with food that is not good for me.

I'm leaving work soon because of my weird schedule this week.  My plan is to go grocery shopping and do some prep work for menus so that they're easy for Pete and I.  My next plan is to create a contract for myself for the next 30 days.  I don't feel the need to challenge myself persae, but to commit to myself to resume the things that I know, deep in my soul, are good for me.  One of those things is going to be that I set a timer for 10 minutes before bed to journal my day. I'm not looking at this as a goal setting session for the future, but just a confirmation of what I was regularly doing and to make it a habit again.

I need this as much as I needed Chicago.  Chicago reminded me just why women friends are important in life.  This will remind me why I'm important in my life.


  1. I with you! I am using this month to remind myself why I am important! And I am looking forward to rekindling my healthiness flame when I arrive in Minnesota in a few weeks! Hope to see you too!

  2. Sabrina I hope you all have a great race! I'm jealous that I haven't prepared enough to feel like I can do the race and upset with myself for getting off track. I hope to be out there though to see you all!
