Monday, December 15, 2008

Journal Your Christmas

Day 15: Visitors & Visiting

Christmas is all about the rush. Always has been. Rush to have our family Christmas. Rush to Grandma's house on Christmas Eve. Rush to other Grandma's on Christmas Day. As a kid I loved it! I got to see the cousins that I rarely see throughout the year. There were presents galore and food. What could be better? As an adult I notice the rushing more. The preping to get where I'm going and enjoying the being there less and less.

That said, I wouldn't change it for the world. It's come to be somewhat of a tradition. And this year Pete and I are trying to add some of our own traditions in there. We want to go to the cemetary on Christmas Eve. It's the first Christmas without both of his parents and it's a hard one. We want to go to Church services on Christmas Eve. A connection to the man who married us.

Because my Grandma Laura died, it will likely be the last year of getting together with that side of the family. While it's one less place to rush to, it makes me sad. I won't sit in her basement watching her open gifts. No talking with cousins and seeing their children. I'll miss it. Really miss it.

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