Sunday, February 06, 2011

Before & Afters

I have an admission.  I've never taken before & afters.

I follow a bunch of fitness/workout/healthy bloggers and they all seem to have these before & after pictures.  They even have during pictures.  All posted in various areas of the blogs.  They reference them and return to them to show how far they've come.

I certainly have pictures of me on my blog.  But none of them were taken with the intention of before & afters.

Oh I have good intentions.  I tell Pete that we should take before, during & afters to show progress.  But I never take them.

I keep wondering why?  I wonder if the pictures would help?  What happens of there isn't a change in a certain amount of time?  Would it have negative effects?  I should just do it, right?

1 comment:

  1. Yes. Pictures. DO IT. You will be shocked at where you can see the weight loss. DO IT!!
