Wednesday, February 20, 2013

190.6; Weigh In Wednesday

190.6.  I have to admit though, the first time I stepped on t he scale this morning it said more.  But I waited a minute or two and then stepped on it again.  190.6.  Will I ever get into the 180s and stay there?
After my scale I got dressed and hauled myself to the gym.  3.1 miles in 41 minutes.  I can mostly jog 2 miles and then I did sprints for the third mile.  I have to really think about whether my goal is to get a certain mileage or burn a certain number of calories.  It used to be that I wouldn't leave the gym until I had at least 600 calories burned.  It was all about the calories and getting the burn and seeing those numbers go up up up.
Today I thought about running races and if my goal is truly to do that this summer (and it is), then I need to start thinking more about the running process, not the calories.  I've been thinking lately that I need to branch out and try a spin class (God help me and my girly parts).  In order to fit it in with Body Pump and running it would have to be on Wednesdays.  And the only cycle time on Wednesday is at 5:30pm.  I'm so not an evening worker-outer.  I seem to have issues with my suv taking me home after work rather than to the gym.  But I need some different leg cardio other than the treadmill and elliptical.
I'm also honestly struggling with food right now and I know that is why I'm not losing.  I fell into bad habits over the Christmas season and seem to have an inability to get out of the habit of chocolate every day and sweets.  Prior to that I didn't eat them (for the most part) and didn't crave them.  The sugar addiction, it's a strong one.  I need to rely more on the fruits and veggies and lean protein that I know works for me.  It's also a struggle to avoid dairy/calcium while I'm on antibiotics for a month.  Dairy is such a part of my diet for protein and workout recovery.  Avoiding it seems like a punishment.  Maybe I should have had the doctor tell me that I needed to avoid sweets to make the medicine work too?????
Anyway, 190.  I'll certainly take it because I've earned it. But I'm not giving up on these last 15 pounds that I want need to lose. 


  1. Stopping from WIW..that's awesome that you did 3.1 miles in 41 minutes. It takes me 20 minutes to do one mile (okay, so I'm not actually "running" yet...:D). Love the blog!

    -Sarah @

  2. Stoping by from the link up. You got this. My mile sucks hard core.
