Tuesday, September 07, 2010

That nutrition/fitness thing....

On 2/1/10 I had a goal of being 70 pounds lighter by 2/1/11. Currently I'm around 30 pounds lighter, but most of that work was done in February, March & April. Then I had issues with my back and a cyst on my chest. I started working out again in late May, but by that time it was getting to be motorcycle season and I was too busy to work out.

The bad: I haven't been to the gym in a month. Actually I take that back - I went once in August. I haven't been counting calories or drinking as much water. I haven't been eating every 3 hours.

The good: despite all this and going on a vacation for 12 days, I haven't gained more than 3 pounds over the summer.

The plan: I see my doctor for my annual physical this week. I need to have a plan for accessing physcial therapy or something for when my siatic nerve acts up. I need to start working out in the moring before work again - it is the best time for me to get it in. I need to start drinking water and going back to the eating habits I had this spring.

I bought clothes at Costco the other day. Clothes that I fit into. I can buy clothes in some of the 'regular' sections in Target. When I think about that and how it feels to buy the lower sizes and shop in the stores, it's amazing. Then I think about the old saying that the food I eat doesn't taste as good as the feeling of fitting into lower sizes. It is true. At least for me.

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