Friday, October 26, 2007

Do you ever wonder which one you are?

So I met 7 women for dinner last night. A special group of women. There was P, C, S, S#2, S#3, J, and B. J#2 was ill and L had a family emergency.

Why are these women so special? They are the women that helped me get through college. They are college friends. No, they never did my least I don't think they did, but they may have. No, they never loaned me money for tuition...but quite possibly money for late night food and drinks. They were an integral part of my education, one I could never have finished college without. These women, in their own way, taught me things about life and friends and love. They helped me through experiences and issues and heartbreak. They laughed with me, cried with me and sat by me when I needed it.

As we were loudly having dinner last night, I kept looking around in wonder at the women that we became. At the things we accomplished in life and how far we had all come. I kept thinking that everyone has a role in a friendship and certainly there are roles in circles of friends. And it made me wonder if I had an impact on their life like they did on mine? Was there something that I taught them in college that made them who they are today? I hope so. I really do.

PS. To P: I had forgottn about falling down the stairs that night. I had forgotten about your broken finger. And I am so very sorry about it, even after all these years.

After talking for a couple of hours, telling stories of past and present, we made a plan. A plan to continue to meet. It made me happy.

1 comment:

  1. You make a difference in my life. I'm so glad you came to the board.
